Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Week two – day one and two

Thoughts for today: going through this training is a little like being pregnant. Everyone who has gone through a long, grueling training program wants to offer advice. Based on the fact that Charleen has reached out to several people, it would naturally follow that all of those people want to offer us their insights. There is validity to other comments, but it can get really confusing to know wat to focus on when given so many different cues and pointers. Sometimes they even even contradict each other.

I am drawing on my experience as a Doula, and reminding myself that my body knows best. I know when I need to push myself (and act upon that), but I also need to be clear when my body says rest - that I rest. Against my better judgment, I helped a coworker out yesterday by doing a 30 minute workout that has actually set me back in my training. Not only was I not planning to do that kind of strenuous work, but some of the moves we were asked to perform  were counterintuitive to what I know my body should do. The trainer used an approach (read:drill sergeant) that does not work for my psyche. It not only threw off my training plan, but rattled me mentally.

It took a lot to reframe my attitude and get back on track, but I managed. Last night, Charleen and I talked out our next couple steps for the week and I am feeling clearer. I am finding my groove this week. Next week, it'll be clearer still.

I had the inspiration today that instead of the training program certification, I will make my testing grounds an obstacle
course. I'm going to look into that tonight and see where it leads me.

In the meantime, I offer a YouTube videoif me getting my training dialed in this morning:

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