Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Day 2 - GB, Bravo & Flowfit

6:00 came early, but I was antsy to get up and get to it. With the winter, and my current mental attitude, I have had a "let's just get it over with" attitude. It felt good to feel my lats sore as I was moving around - that means I was using the right muscles yesterday.

I was wondering how we are going to do all three programs - Tacfit, CST and Gymnastics Bodies - without sacrificing something somewhere. Thank heavens Charleen and Travis had determined that any push/pull activities in GB should be sidelined. Travis recommended focusing (I am thinking doubling) core work and adding static holds like hanging and planking and staff holds on the paralettes. THIS GIVES ME HOPE!!!

We managed through the GB workout and I felt really confident in my abilities there. Then came Bravo; a series of four moves performed for four minutes each, with one minute rest between movements. Now, my fitness tool of choice is the clubbell - I love them, and I think I rock them most of the time. But I am loathe to say my form really sucked on the gamma casts today. I would like to say it's due to the fatigue I was feeling in my lats, but I think it was more the chatter in my mind. I survived the 4 minutes of casting, and moved on to leg threads - a move that looks a little like rolling on the floor without touching your butt or your belly to the floor. I totally zen out with these and I found my rhythm. I pushed through paralette knee presses (looks like an incline knee-push up) with very few pauses, but I could barely take my pulse afterwards due to 'the pump' (where your muscles flood with fluid and tension). Last was a constant 4 minute kettlebell squat/deadlift, which I felt like I rocked physically, but mentally, I was checking out. 

I am having lots of doubts about my ability to do this. However, I am not going to voice them here. Because that voice needs to simmer down.

I can do this. I will do this.

I feel like I am in the shadow of a giant  - ironically, because Charleen is so wee. She is the one accepting the challenge, I'm just riding her enthusiasm and her coattails. I'm gonna owe her big for this. And I'm going to have to work my ass off (hopefully literally) without all the support and encouragement she is getting. She has been my support for the past several months, but she is digging deep, and I am here to encourage her. It's a role I'm familiar with, but it's especially difficult for me, because I want it so bad, too, but I have 'chosen' not to push to take the certification course - another bone of contention in my mind.

Tonight was a 30 minute round of Flowfit of which I completed 15. I was shaking and hungry and the gremlin in my mind that says "quit" won this round. I foam rolled for 10 minutes to assuage my guilt and to try to get my quads to stop burning.

I scarfed down a healthy and filling meal and am headed back into the everyday world to enjoy an Irish Christmas performance with my heart-sister.

I've got this. I think.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. you are a beautiful writer. I appreciate this window into your experience. Your internal journey is the biggest part of this whole thing. You have an opportunity to see how amazing you really are. your greatness is seen by everyone but you. What you see in me is a reflection of YOU! Love you!
